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I saw the new MS Dhoni movie on youtube. it was amazing N/A - please provide a title for an informative and factual blog post you would like to write. ##Do not submit the following: "MSDhoniTheUntoldStoryfullmoviedownloadin720phd" ##How to get rid of writer's block or "The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New" 3) Introducing, The Never Ending Guest Post Series!*Be sure to check out our previous posts, too. We'll be posting one every day until we run out.* *This is a guest post. Any views or opinions presented in this article are those of the guest author and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Underrated and Overwhelmed or its affiliates. A guest post today from our good friend by the name of Michael H. Not only is he a blogger, but also a musician, filmmaker, vetran speller, and submarine captain (which we found out was true*). Without further ado… Marry Me! (When You Find Out Who I Am) (Or: How to Write a Guest Post Series) By: Michael H.Marry me! Marry me!"I've been asked this question approximately 441 times. That's a lot of times the simple question, "marry me?"My response has been, "I'd have to think about that."It's a tricky question. In fact, I think if I said it again it would be even more obvious I was thinking about it. In order to figure out if I'll marry you, I need to know a few things about you.First, if the marriage is going to work, you need to be someone. I can't marry a figment of my imagination. It doesn't take much for me to imagine a figment of my imagination – it's not hard – but there needs to be a little more meat on the bones. You need a name and an occupation.Second, regardless of whether or not I'm going to marry you, I need something from you –reasons why we should get married. They can be good reasons or bad reasons – just as long as there are reasons. Third, my reasons for marrying you have to match up with your reasons. Unless your reasons are better than mine, they have to be something I can live with.Lastly, based on the previous three criteria, I have to be invested in our relationship.That's a lot of scrutiny for a simple question! But that's just marriage in a nutshell – a seemingly simple question that requires an elaborate response.I've been thinking about marriage quite a bit lately and not just because I got proposed to recently. It's become obvious that the questions people ask me are not as simple as they seem. What may appear to be one question often has multiple meanings behind it. cfa1e77820